Saturday, December 09, 2006

Family Time

This morning, I had a nice visit with my family via the internet and wonderful free technology from Yahoo Messenger. It is fun to see their smiling faces, hear their familiar voices, and "be together" on cyberspace. I can't imagine what it was like just 10-20 years ago, when it was even difficult to make a phone call from a foreign country. It is such a blessing to have such great technology available to us today! When God made us in His image, He certainly gave us creative and engineering abilities! Praise the Lord for great technology that allows me and my family to have "quality" time online!
This is a picture from Father's Day this year. My dad already had surgery and was still using a walker for stability. Now, his walker and cane are collecting dust, as he is doing really well! Praise the Lord!

Pictured: Dad, Mom; oldest sister (expecting a new little one), her husband, and their 4 boys; older sister, her husband, and their 2 girls