Olympic Disappointment
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" I guess that's what the olympiads have to remember too...
A personal portfolio of learning, teaching, and life experiences from one student teacher... Always remember, learning occurs at all times...
This is a synopsis of my summer travels! See the blog entries below for more details.
1. Beijing (departed Jul 14) (returned Sep 1)
2. Shenzhen (stopped through Jul 14)
3. Hong Kong (Jul 14-17) (stopped through Jul 31) (Aug 18-31)
4. Taipei (Jul 17-23, 27-31)
5. Lotung (Jul 24-26)
6. Macau (stopped through Jul 31-Aug 1, 18)
7. Kuala Lumpur (Aug 1-7)
8. Taiping (Aug 8-9)
9. Penang (Aug 10-12)
10. Malacca (Aug 13-14)
11. Singapore (Aug 15-16)
12. Bangkok (Aug 17-18)
The island nation is also quite a multicultural center, as seen in this photo with an Islamic mosque, Hindu temple, and Buddhist shrine. These ancient religions all exhist among the modern urban society, ever spreading with construction cranes like the Borg slowing assimilating the natural world.