This morning, as I began Chinese classes, I was pleasantly surprised to hear my teacher say I had a package waiting for me at the front desk. So, after I picked up some groceries after my tutoring session, I went and got my box from my school’s secretary. It was from my parents! They had sent me some items I had requested and some other fun surprises too! This is my first package I’ve received this year! Yeah!
I carried the box home on my bike, as you can see it parked in my patio. Yeah…I know…it’s a “girl’s bike,” but it’s the best one the store had to offer when I was shopping for some wheels to get from point A to B. It only cost about US$23, and it works. So, I’m cool with it. When I got one of the inner tube’s replaced (for the second time), the roadside repair guy said (in Chinese) something like, “This bike is no good. How much did you spend on it?” (I tell him the price...) “Oh, you’ve gotta spend at least 300yuan. That’ll get you a decent bike.” So, next time, I might take his advice…but if I spend that much on a bike, it’s that much more likely to get stolen…like my bike last year…
When I opened my package at home, I was excited to see the stuff they sent me! I laid it out on my couch so you can see what I got too!

My sister, niece, and me in the summer of 2005 before I left for Hong Kong, One of my adopted grandmas and me (also that summer) (Yeah, as you can tell, my family is really prompt about delivering pictures. If you know me very well, you have probably discovered that about me too!)
Barley Max (from Hallelujah Acres)
Powdered barley grass drink mix that helps with internal cleansing and overall health
(I haven’t gotten a cold yet this year and my hands aren’t drying out like they used to either! Praise the Lord for carrot juice, Barley Max, and lots of fresh fruits and veggies!)
“Back to the Garden”
Free magazine from Hallelujah Acres (see side tab for their website link, you can subscribe for FREE)
3 DVDs from Lorraine Day, M.D.
An internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and recognized expert on AIDS, she overcame cancer and rebuilt her immune system without the help of traditional/orthodox treatments she and her colleagues were taught to prescribe (i.e. chemotherapy, surgery, radiation)
“Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore”
“You Can’t Improve on God”
“Diseases Don’t Just Happen”
2007 Calendars
My mom knows I need all the help I can get to keep me on time, on task, and on schedule!